Monday, March 12, 2012

Earn cash from American Express for tweeting!

American Express has been posting great deals on Facebook and Foursquare lately. They have now allowed the opportunity for you to sync your American Express card to your Twitter account. You can save money by tweeting! Here is a YouTube video that discusses it all -

Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Sync your AmEx account to your Twitter account (Only have to do this once).
Step 2: Send out a tweet using the #AmExWholeFoods hashtag. No coupons, no printouts, no promo codes. No fumbling with your phone at checkout.
Step 3: Go to Whole Foods and pick up groceries. Let's say some locally grown shitake mushrooms, six ostrich eggs, and two cases of organic cider.
Step 4: Spend $75 or more and get a statement credit of $20.

You will earn actual cash instead of reward points! You already tweet so much as it is, why not earn money for doing it?

For more info and a complete list of partners, check out the microsite -
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  1. I love this. I have seen many people posting about it. The problem is that I will tweet and forget the bonus and it will expire.



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