Saturday, March 31, 2012

Get In Shape with CafeWell and the Reach for the Peaks Program

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of CafeWell for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Have you heard of CafeWell?  In the world of social networking, CafeWell is a social network that focuses on helping members Get Well and Stay Well.  Health programs are provided that assist members in increasing their activity and get into shape.  For example, one of the health programs for Altius members is called Reach for the Peaks, which is a wireless pedometer program.  You have the opportunity to ear great prizes while getting into shape! 

CafeWell provides members with health and fitness advice from various Health and Nutrition experts as well as Olympic athletes.  There are numerous challenges in which members can participate.  You can learn about various health issues and connect with members who are interested in the same topic(s).  Lastly, you also have the ability to create your own discussion groups.   

Joining CafeWell is free.  All you have to do is register and complete your profile.

Here are some testimonials from Reach for the Peaks participants:

"I never thought that I was competitive before.  Now I am counting steps and enjoying seeing them add up.  My husband was actually teasing me a little and telling me that I was competitive after all… It has been fun to encourage each other to get more steps in each day.  It is also fun to see the medals add up.  I don't know whose idea it was to get this program started, but it was a great one.  I sure hope everyone else is enjoying this health competition to get healthy!"

"So today I am taking a step forward to get off the couch and become healthy.  I am overweight, underpaid and not so full of energy!  I know if I think I can, I CAN!  AND I WILL!"

Reach for the Peaks is just the kind of motivating program from which my friends and I can benefit.  I think programs that provide a little healthy competition are wonderful for helping people stick to their goals and achieve success.

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4 Tips for Getting in Shape for the Spring

Katie Boyd, Reality TV Star of Wicked Fit has tips for us to help us get into shape this year:

Spring Fever is right around the corner! You know that feeling where it gets a little warmer, the sun starts shining brighter and while outside you close your eyes, take a deep breath and welcome it! Crocuses are popping up from the soil, the snow is melting away and so should your fat deposits that have been accumulating and storing as if you were a hibernating grizzly bear during an extra-long winter slumber.  

That being said there are a couple universal rules that all walks of life can do to help tone up and shed body fat.  Here are my four no fail sure-fire tips for Springing into Fitness:

1. The biggest lesson I have ever learned in my life: Your best bet to shock your body into change is to do an 8 week stint of High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT training consists of upper and lower body movements at the same time with Isometric or holding contractions in static electricity in the muscle fiber and Plyometric exercises, which are explosive movements in between every two exercise combos. For example: Bicep Hammer Curl with Plie Squats, then Alternating Side to Side Lunges with Upright Rows, then a Plyometric Jump Squat. A workout like this should be done 4-6 days a week depending on how much body fat you are looking/needing to lose. 45 minutes tops! Workouts that are hyperexplosive get the job done.

2.Eat six small meals a day! Never say the word DIET... Food is nourishment and fuel for an active lifestyle and if you follow the 80/20 rule - meaning 80% of the time eat what I am going to show you and then 20 % eat some nachos or have a not  beat yourself up over it. Eating every three hours makes sure your body is always working to metabolize. Thus burning calories. I like to use the analogy of making a fire. If you are making a fire you feed the fire kindling and some newspaper or brush and that usually ensures a bright burning fire that you can add larger items to like the occasional log.  It is the same with your body. Most people starve themselves until dinner time and drink coffee to keep themselves going until they eat a dinner the size of Manhattan, then go to bed with all that junk just waiting to be stored as body fat. How is that ever going to work for you? never will! Adapting the twigs and newspaper idea for your body as you would starting a fire is the way to go. Always have some kind of a protein at every meal. It doesn't always have to be food you can be a shake. You can also get protein from legumes like hummus or nut protein like raw almonds or all natural peanut butter as well. Tapering your starchy carbs off as the day comes to an end is also going to really help you shed that body fat because your body does not need carbs at night for energy. Just protein for repairing muscles and fibrous carbs like green veggies. 

Sample Meal Plan

Meal One at 7 am~ Greek Frittata with an Ezekiel Bread English Muffin with coffee with 2 Truvia and a splash of So Delicious Coconut Creamer (comes in three flavors, Hazelnut, French Vanilla and Regular)

Meal Two at 10 am~ 1 cup of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, one or combo of all) with Muscle Milk Lite Vanilla Latte It is tasty, has mono and poly saturated fat which studies have shown help burn fat and is lactose free for those who have milk issues.

Meal Three at 12/1pm~ 1/2 of a cup (cooked) of Tricolor Quinoa, 1 cup of greens(broccoli, asparagus, or my favorite recipe right now, green beans, I love haricovert ...the baby string beans with pine nuts and dill with some type of protein whether it is chicken, steak or fish, or if you are a vegetarian VeggiePatch Makes wonderful meatless meatballs and veggie burgers.

Meal Four at 4pm~ 2 tablespoons of Tribe Hummus, they have a plethora of amazing flavors from Mediterranean style to Cilantro Chimmichurri with 1 cup of green veggies. My fave mix is broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, celery. No carrots and no tomatoes...too sugary for that time of day.

Meal Five at 6/7pm~ baked haddock or cod fish around 4-6 oz. with 2 cups of KB's green beans. No starches at pasta, bread rice potatoes of any kind and certainly not fruit.

Meal Six at 9pm~ some kind of Protein. I love Muscle Milk Lite Cookies N Cream Ice Cream.

3.Cardio: HIIT on the treadmill.

Warm up for 5 minutes on the treadmill at 3.0 MPH at a 0 Incline. Then 3.5 MPH at a15 Incline...hold on for dear life it's going to get really real right now! Do this for 2 minutes. Recover at 3.0 MPH at a 0 Incline for 1 minute. Then, walk side to side first starting on your less dominant side step together step together at 1.8 MPH at a 5 Incline. 1 minute on each side. Then recover at 3.0MPH at a 0 Incline. Sprint at 6.0 MPH at a 5 Incline for 2 minutes then recover at 3.0MPH at 0 Incline...that is always going to be your recovery zone. Then, to finish the round you will walk backwards at 2.0 MPH at a 7 Incline for 2 minutes. You will repeat this for either a half an hour or 45 minutes or an entire hour depending on what your goals are for body fat burn. You are getting a full blown all-around leg workout without the boredom of just blankly staring into space.

4.To find the recipes for food, products and juice

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Scarves Dot Net Review & Giveaway

Scarves are one of my favorite fashion accessories right now. I go through phases, like many women do, where I just don’t like the clothes I’m wearing anymore. They get monotonous. Sure, I can try to mix the look up by wearing different jewelry, but sometimes, I just feel blah…I love how adding a scarf to an outfit can change the look. It adds so much color to the outfit and to be honest, it makes me feel different. Scarves Dot Net is a website that has an unbelievable number of scarves available! They are available in every color, shape, length, material, etc. Scarves Dot Net sells their scarves for fabulously low prices.

I was very lucky to have the opportunity to review another scarf from Scarves Dot Net. I chose to review the Demi Crinkle Scarf. I love pink and this scarf has been a great addition to my wardrobe. This scarf is 100% Polyester, which was softer than I thought it would be. It is 76" L x 35" W in length and has an inch of fringe at the bottom. This particular scarf comes in blue and tan as well.



I had always considered scarves as a fall or winter fashion accessory; however, Scarves Dot Net has summer scarves in beautiful colors. For summer, I would probably choose one of their skinny scarves. I wouldn’t want to wear a thick scarf in the summer, so the skinny scarf variety makes sense. Regardless of the scarf, I tend to wear the scarf in the same manner. However, Scarves Dot Net has a fabulous “Ways To Tie A Scarf” page that teaches you 37 different ways to tie a scarf. Did you know there are 37 ways to tie a scarf? What I love about this page is the fact that they have a video to teach you how to tie instead of simply using a diagram.

Follow Scarves Dot Net on the Scarves Dot Net Blog, Twitter, and Facebook!

Scarves Dot Net has generously offered to sponsor a giveaway for a $20 Gift Certificate to Scarves Dot Net! Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

FREE Subscription to Baby Talk Magazine!


Sign up for FREE subscription to Baby Talk Magazine by clicking on the image above!
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Lip Butter Trios for FREE! - Today Only!!


Let's celebrate NEW sneakpeeq MEMBERS with FREE PEARL EARRINGS! Cardigans and capris or strapless black evening gowns and an upswept hairdo: you can wear absolutely everything with the right pair of PEARLS. A PAIR of FREE PEARL EARRINGS ($49 value) and FREE SHIPPING just for joining sneakpeeq! (we really mean free; no need to buy anything!)

Say Yes again to Yes To! With your FREE $10 NEW MEMBER CREDIT, you can score Lip Butter Trios for FREE! Moisturizing your lips is not enough? Moisturize your skin with the Intense Repair Body Lotion which is also FREE after your FREE $10 NEW MEMBER CREDIT! And YES, we will ship it to you for FREE!
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Book Review & Giveaway: Bright Side Up - 100 Ways to be Happier Right Now


I have been under a significant amount of stress lately. Much more than my typical stress. I have been attempting to “take one day at a time”, but at the end of the day, I am still overwhelmed. Work has been outrageous and I have been working my tail off trying to prepare our house to be put on the market. It has been very easy for me to find myself in a spiral of negative thinking.

It seems as though it was divine intervention when I was given the opportunity to review a book entitled “Bright Side Up: 100 Ways to be Happier Right Now”, written by Amy Spencer. I have to admit – part of me was intrigued and hopeful that this book could provide me with some solid tools for changing my thinking. The other part of me was hesitant to get my hopes up. I have read so many self-help books that did not live up to the hype. I am so pleased to share with you that this book was well worth the read.

Bright Side Up is a book that teaches you how to think about life differently. Amy Spencer explains to readers how you can change your life simply by the manner in which you think. There are certainly some events that occur in our lives that we have no control over; however, we can control our thoughts. Spencer discusses how readers can alter their thinking from negative to positive in regards to the following:
  • Yourself
  • Life’s Little Annoyances
  • Careers
  • Relationships
  • Social Life
  • Family & Friends
  • Technology
  • Travel  
Spencer uses fantastic examples from her own life to explain to readers how they can take a particular situation/thought and reframe it to an entirely different way of thinking. It often involves finding the good in the situation or, in other words, the “silver lining to the grey cloud”. I learned so much from this book, including how research has shown that the brain can display “neuroplasticity”. This essentially means that by actively thinking about thinking positively, you can actually change the neural pathways in your brain. This is amazing to me.

I received great advice from this book. Spencer touched upon numerous situations in which I personally use negative thinking. One of Spencer’s suggestions is to say, “At least I’m not…” when something bad happens. When I’m experiencing stress at work, I have been trying to actively use this strategy and I have to say it does help take the edge off my stress. Another strategy that I am going to really try to commit to involves asking myself, “WWMRMD?” This stands for What Would My Role Model Do? Spencer encourages readers to think about what their role model would do in a particular situation when faced with adversity. My grandfather, although deceased, has been an essential role model in my life. In the past, when I have thought about certain problems, I have said to myself, “Gramps would say to…” I can easily think about what his advice would be, I just need to follow that advice!

Bright Side Up is a book that you can read cover to cover or pick up and read those sections that refer to certain issues for you. Regardless of the issue, I think this is a wonderful resource to help people change the manner in which they think. I will be keeping this book close to me for a long time.

About the Author:
Amy Spencer is a Los Angeles-based relationship expert and journalist, and the author of Meeting Your Half-Orange: An Utterly Upbeat Guide to Using Dating Optimism to Find Your Perfect Match.

Bright Side Up is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

For more information about Amy and her book, visit and

I am thrilled to be able to offer my readers the opportunity to enter a giveaway where one Tidbits From A Mom reader will win a copy of Bright Side Up!  Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

Go Green with Rubberecycle!

I was wearing sandals last week on one of our beautiful spring days when I took the kids out to the playground in our backyard. As I walked around, the mulch was getting caught in my sandals and was sharp at times. It was a bit annoying and I wondered whether I would get a splinter in my foot from it. The mulch we have is the same kind of mulch we have on the playground at work. Kids fall all the time out there. Doesn’t it hurt??

My husband had mentioned to me a while ago about the option of replacing the mulch with rubber mulch. I had never known that this was an option. Rubberecycle is a company that provides customers with rubber mulch that is made from 100% scrap tires. Rubber mulch is a wonderful way to help the environment. Also, since it lasts a long time, it is great option that can help schools save money on their school playgrounds. Schools can choose from a variety of colors! In visiting their website, I learned a great deal from Rubberecycle. I never knew there are so many benefits to rubber mulch, including the fact that it doesn’t freeze, mold, or attract bugs and that it’s odor free, to name a few.

In addition to rubber mulch, Rubberecycle also provides other products, including playground equipment for commercial playgrounds, rubber curbs for playgrounds, mulch for your garden beds, and equestrian arena footing. This website provides customers with a calculator so you can figure out the cost immediately. This is a nice time-saving feature – I don’t necessarily like having to call and speak to a representative.

*Disclaimer: I received monetary compensation for this post.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and are not impacted by any compensation.
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Begin Planting with Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I do not have a green thumb.  I have killed practically every plant I have ever had.  I have 3 plants in my home that are hanging on for dear life right now.  I have had one plant for 10 years, which is in and of itself simply amazing, that is from my grandfather’s funeral.  It is a peace lily, but has never actually bloomed.  This plant must be the hardiest plant ever to survive me.  I can’t seem to get it to grow any larger or bloom.  I have tried EVERYTHING!

I was so excited to hear about Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix.  Maybe this is the answer to my green thumb problems!  This is a concentrated planting mix, for both indoor and outdoor plants, that expands when you add water.  It feeds your plants for up to 6 months!  This is perfect for me - I am constantly forgetting to water my indoor plants; hence, why my plants tend not to survive me.  Expand ‘n Gro™ drastically improves the overall soil for years.  It holds up to 50% more water than traditional potting soil.  As a result of all of these amazing benefits, you can receive up to 3X the flowers and vegetables than the basic potting soil you typically use.

EnG Product Shot.png

Why is Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix so successful?  It is different from traditional potting soil because it is comprised of plant food and coconut coir fiber, which is material that comes from coconut husk.  This planting mix allows plants to have the correct balance of air and moisture to thrive.  It was really interesting to read how this planting mix is made and it certainly makes sense as to why it’s an improvement on basic potting soil. 

Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix is available in the Northeast, Midwest, and Texas.  If you would like to check whether a store near you carries this product, you can visit or purchase it from


Spring is here and your plants, flowers, and vegetables can have their best year yet with Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix! 



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Prepare For Emergencies with a Safe from Safes AtoZ

I am a pretty cautious person. You never know when life is going to slap you in the face and you need to be prepared to deal with a particular issue; for example, when your computer crashes, a pipe begins to leak, you lose power or water, etc. As a result of my cautious personality, I keep batteries and gallons of water stocked. I recently bought a new hard drive to back up my laptop. Lastly, we have enough food in the pantry to feed a small army. However, one extremely important thing I have forgotten is to purchase a safe, one that can hold all our essential documents and valuables. You never know when you might have a pipe burst or a fire (God forbid). Being prepared with a safe can help prevent documents and valuables from being destroyed and who wouldn’t want this?

Safes AtoZ provides a large variety of safes in small, medium, and large sizes and can be purchased with locks that are electronic, combination, key, or key & combination. I was impressed with the sheer variety of home safes that are available. Since we only need a small sentry fire safe, I was eyeing this Sentry Safe Waterproof 1 Hour Fire Chest. It costs $74 and there is free shipping, which I feel is worth the cost to provide peace of mind in case of an emergency.


*Disclaimer: I received monetary compensation for this post.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and are not influenced by any compensation.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

NO COST Blogger Event Sign-ups!


Sign up today for a FREE Blogger Event and increase your exposure!  You can have your Facebook link added for free!  Thanks so much to Cute-ECakes for sponsoring a $100 Paypal prize. Sign up HERE!
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Friday, March 23, 2012

“Get Famous” Mom Bloggers Resource Review & Giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Mom Blog Society Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

When I began blogging a year and a half ago, I knew nothing…zilch…nada. It’s been an amazing process over the past year and a half - I have learned a great deal from the wonderful people I have met online, from social networking sites, and from experiencing it for myself. However, it hasn’t been an easy process necessarily and I know that I am not done growing. As so many other mom bloggers do, I want to do so much more with my blog. Regardless of what I have learned so far, there is much left to learn. Lisa Cash Hanson from Mompreneur Mogul shares her blogging tips with us in the Get Famous Mom Bloggers Resource. The full title of the book is Get Famous: The Greatest Resource for Mom Bloggers on the Planet. This is a fantastic e-book for bloggers, both new and seasoned.

The content of this e-book crosses the continuum from the blogging basics to how to make serious money with your blog. It answers ALL the major questions to help people get started on the right path. In addition, it provides a wealth of information on how to take your blog to the next level. Lisa Cash Hanson’s style of writing makes this e-book an easy read and I love her sense of humor. I SO wish I had had this a year ago. It would have made life a lot easier and I could have made that much more progress in less time. Regardless of what I have already learned, this book taught me so much more. For example, there are chapters on “How To Get Media Exposure” and “How To Write A Press Release”, which are totally new topics for me. I also really appreciated the “Mega Resource Page”, which provides an extensive list of resources for people looking for products to review, sites that will pay for you to blog, and more.

Lisa Cash Hanson is a great resource for bloggers and I appreciate her time in creating this e-book to help other bloggers. I loved hearing her input and tips. As a mom, she knows what it is like to balance caring for a family and home with creating a business with blogging. Lisa was recently nominated for the Top 25 Mom Tech Blog. If you would like to vote for Lisa, you can click HERE. You may vote once per day.

About The Author
"Lisa Cash Hanson was recently Featured on Yahoo! Shine with over 31 million viewers. Her Blog Mompreneur Mogul has been nominated for Circle of Moms Top 25 Tech Moms-2012. Lisa teaches women how to make money blogging and encourages them to be the most amazing bloggers on the planet. She's an influential mom blogger who shares blogging tips that will rock your bloggy world. "

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to host a giveaway for a free e-book copy of Get Famous. Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

Monday, March 19, 2012

SafSlim Review & Giveaway


Maintaining my figure is on my mind on a daily basis. I am a stress-eater and with my line of work, I feel as though I am always hungry. I have recently started exercising on a more regular basis in order to help cope with stress, but I am open to receiving a little extra help in order to keep my figure ;)

When I was offered the opportunity to review SafSlim, I jumped at the chance. SafSlim is an all-natural daily supplement that helps people lose their stubborn belly fat that isn’t being lost through diet and exercise. This is done through the use of safflower oil. Safflower oil has been clinically proven to help people lose weight, specifically the omentum fat in the belly area. As women, we obviously gain a great deal of omentum fat with our pregnancies and it is extremely difficult to lose. Sometimes it seems as though we can do all the sit-ups in the world, but that area still remains a problem.

I was excited, yet a little skeptical at the same time, to try SafSlim. Since it is all-natural, I wondered if it was going to taste gross. I also wondered if SafSlim was going to live up to all the hype. I had listened to Montel Williams, the spokesperson for SafSlim, and was intrigued. Dr. Oz has also discussed the benefits of SafSlim, but I wanted to see for myself.

I received samples of both the Tangerine Cream Fusion and the Berry Cream Fusion. I was pleasantly surprised when I took my first dose! I tried the Tangerine Cream Fusion and it was yummy! It tastes like a creamsicle! I took 1 tablespoon in the morning before breakfast and 1 tablespoon before dinner. Although I haven’t taken SafSlim for very long, I have not felt that bloated feeling I despise. Because it’s all natural, I don’t feel anxiety about taking it, such as whether it’s going to affect my liver or if I’m suddenly going to have chest pain. SafSlim has simply become part of my diet.

In addition to the samples, I also received a book entitled, “Belly Fat Breakthrough!: Smart Science for Transforming Your Body” by Karlene Karst, Ph.D. Although a fairly small book, it is jam packed with information regarding hunger, fat, carbohydrates, and tips for losing weight.  I have read many diet books and articles, but I still learned a great deal from this little book!  I was particularly interested in reading about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids.  I have had supplements sitting in my cabinet and I haven't taken care of them, but that's certainly going to change!

If you are interested in hearing more, check out Dr. Oz and Montel Williams discussing SafSlim:

The great news is that I have been offered the opportunity to host a giveaway for SafSlim! One Tidbits From A Mom reader will win TWO bottles of SafSlim! Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Grand Event Cash Giveaway - Win $500!


You know you neeeeed it...

Well a great group of bloggers have come together to give it to you!

Welcome to the Grand Event Cash Giveaway!

1 Grand Prize: $500

1 2nd Place Prize: $250

5 3rd Place Prizes: $50

Moms with Voices Media is hosting the GRAND Event Cash Giveaway. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can be entered to win a Grand Prize amount of $500, Second Place Prize of $250, or FIVE third place prized of $50!

This giveaway runs from 12:01 AM 3/17/2012 - 11:59 PM 3/31/2012. With so many different ways to enter, why not come back and do a few each day along with your daily entries!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Google + Hop - 3/15

Welcome to the Google + blog hop with The Spring Mount 6 Pack and Tidbits From A Mom. There are many changes with social media going including new additions, and we are thrilled to be hosting this hop. This hop is open to everyone, everywhere. If you do not have Google + no need to fret, it is easy to sign up. Do you have a gmail account? If not, sign up for your free account, then in your Google tool bar click on + YOU to create your Google + account. Piece of cake!

The hop takes place on Thursdays. To join the hop, you need to add the hosts to one of your circles, then we will add you back. Add your Google + personal or blog page (on your home screen you will see an option to start a page) to the linky below. Your hosts for this hop are The Spring Mount 6 Pack, Tidbits From A Mom,and Show Me The Prizes.

Add others who have linked up to the hop to your Google + circles. You do not need to write on their Google + wall, but can if you like. It is appreciated if you help spread the word of this hop by adding the hop button. This is a great way to connect since the changes with Google Friend Connect.

When you +1 a post, page, article etc you will have the chose to decide who you share it with. Anyone in the circle you share with will see what you +1ed.

Since this is new to many people, if you have any questions, just let us know. We are happy to help. Thanks for hopping with us.

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Twitter Amazon Blast - Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Amazon 100 gift card

Twitter Blast Sweepstakes

Everyone loves Amazon codes! You can buy anything and they are super easy to email your prize to you! Makobi Scribe is sponsoring a monthly Amazon and Twitter Sweepstakes with her friends and would love you to enter. We are giving you a full two weeks to follow all the twitter accounts and we are even giving you a bonus at the end if you follow them all. So follow a few each day when you come back to do your daily tweet. HINT: The secret word can be found by clicking the link in the rafflecopter form :) Good Luck everyone! If you want to participate in the next Twitter/Facebook blast for April & May here you can sign up for the sweepstakes.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Real Moms Real Deals $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Who wants to win a $100 Gift Card?

We have teamed up with and a bunch of other great sites to bring you this $100 amazon gift card giveaway.

Real Moms Real Deals has some great finds!  Look at these adorable Chrysanthemum Bobby Pins in 4 Beautiful Color Schemes that are only $3.00!  They come in a variety of colors, this is a just a small sample. 

It's easy to enter. Simply use our Rafflecopter to submit your entries. Good-Luck!

About Real Moms Real Deals:

We are, 100% committed to bringing fantastic REAL deals, to REAL mom’s, like you!

What does this mean, exactly?

It means squeal-inducing savings, up to 90% off…nope, not a typo!…on products you actually use and love! We also proudly support hand crafted items right along with brand name items, so for those of you who have an affinity for beautiful craftsmanship that comes only from hand crafted items, we’ve got you covered!

Not only are we super diverse in the brands we offer our deals on, we also have a wide range of products available to you! Everything from baby clothes to home décor (and more!). Come see what fun daily deals you can snag today!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Check out the new Glade® Expressions™ Fragrance Mist & Oil Diffuser!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Triad Retail Media for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. - Glade Expressions Air Fresheners

I have been using Glade® products in my home for years.  I have really liked the Glade® Fabric & Air Mist™ the most – it helps keep the smell of wet dog at bay!  Glade® has a new line of products called Glade® Expressions™ that I’m looking forward to trying. There is a new Glade® Expressions™ fragrance mist and a new Glade® Expressions™ oil diffuser that come in amazing new scents.  When I initially saw these products, I was struck by how stylish the containers are.  There have been some products out there that I simply wouldn’t buy because they don’t fit with my décor at home.  However, I wouldn’t mind having the Fragrance Mist in my kitchen and the Oil Diffuser on the mantel of my family room.  Actually, I can think of a number of places where I would like to place an Oil Diffuser in my home! - Glade Expressions Air Fresheners

The fragrance scents available include Pineapple & Mangosteen, Cotton & Italian Mandarin (only available in the Fragrance Mist), Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice, and Lavender & Juniper Berry.  I think I’m most interested in trying the Pineapple & Mangosteen and the Lavender & Juniper Berry.  The Glade® Expressions™ scents are long-lasting!  For the Fragrance Mist, you simply squeeze the bottle to activate the spray.  The Oil Diffuser is a non-electric diffuser that lasts for 30 days!  Once your Glade® product needs to be refilled, you can refill it with any Glade® fragrance scent.  Your fragrance satisfaction is guaranteed for both products.  If you happen to be unsatisfied with your product, you can fill out the form here.
There is a coupon right now for $1.50 off of any Glade® Expressions™ that can be used at any Walmart!
The combination of my dog and the trash can makes for an unpleasant smell sometimes.  I'm looking forward to trying these great new products!
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Earn cash from American Express for tweeting!

American Express has been posting great deals on Facebook and Foursquare lately. They have now allowed the opportunity for you to sync your American Express card to your Twitter account. You can save money by tweeting! Here is a YouTube video that discusses it all -

Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Sync your AmEx account to your Twitter account (Only have to do this once).
Step 2: Send out a tweet using the #AmExWholeFoods hashtag. No coupons, no printouts, no promo codes. No fumbling with your phone at checkout.
Step 3: Go to Whole Foods and pick up groceries. Let's say some locally grown shitake mushrooms, six ostrich eggs, and two cases of organic cider.
Step 4: Spend $75 or more and get a statement credit of $20.

You will earn actual cash instead of reward points! You already tweet so much as it is, why not earn money for doing it?

For more info and a complete list of partners, check out the microsite -
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Couple Night In Gift Set Review & $50 Gift Certificate to Uncommon Goods Giveaway!


As so many couples do, my husband and I are exhausted at the end of the day. However, we know it’s important to spend quality time together, just the two of us. We need to make a conscious effort to turn of the television and just focus on each other.

We rarely have the opportunity to get a babysitter and go out on the weekend, so we need to be creative at home. For this reason, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review the Couples Night In Gift Set, which is available at Uncommon Goods. Included in this gift set are Wine Cork Candles (Set of 12), a 12 Ways To Say I Love You Journal, and Love Tokens (Set of 10). This gift set helps you create atmosphere and encourages communication, appreciation, and affection!



My husband travels often overseas, so I needed to wait to do the review when he was in town (obviously..:)) On our “Night In”, we popped open our bottle of wine and when it was finished, I placed one of the Wine Cork Candles in. These are really cute! I dimmed the lights and the wine bottle with the candle looked beautiful!

While my husband was away on his business trip, I spent quite a bit of time writing in my 12 Ways To Say I Love You Journal in order to give it to my husband on our “Night In”. This journal is so sweet – it provides you with particular prompts, such as “My favorite way to spend a day with you is…” and “I don’t tell you this enough but…” It also provides a page with a small little enveloped attached to it in which you can place a love letter. Those who know my husband know that he is not as sentimental as I am, but I have to tell you, he certainly appreciated this journal. He smiled from ear to ear to hear what I had to say.

The Love Tokens are nice because you don’t have to just use them on a “night in” with the one you love. You could use a love token anytime! These love tokens include 2 tokens each hugs, kisses, breakfast in bed, massages, and rolls in the hay. Just choose your token and cash in!

Any married couple knows that marriage takes work. You need to make time for each other, but you also need to make it quality time. Turn of the T.V. and turn off the computer. Try a “Couples Night In” Gift Set!

Uncommon Goods has truly unique gifts for husband and cool gift ideas for wife.  They also have beautiful heart gifts that are great for family and friends!  Uncommon Goods has gifts that aren't found in your local store.  I encourage you to to visit their website and take a look!

I am so pleased to have the opportunity to host a giveaway for a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Uncommon Goods! This is an awesome prize, so enter today! Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Birthday Chronicle Review


My son’s birthday is fast approaching. I can’t believe he is going to be two years old. Where has the time gone? It seemed like just yesterday….As I think back to that time, the details of that year are kind of fuzzy. I can only remember the details of my pregnancy and the excitement of my little man coming.

The Birthday Chronicle is a one-page (8 ½” x 11”) personalized newspaper that details the events of any particular day you choose. By providing a name, date, and headline, you can receive a newspaper that provides the details of that special day and the events that were occurring around that time.

Once I provided this information, I received an email almost immediately. I was very impressed with this speed! I chose to personalize this newspaper for my son’s 2nd birthday. Some of the main facts included on the newspaper are the weather for that day, the major headlines for the world at that time, the news in sports, a list of celebrities that share the same birthday, and the music songs that were popular at the time. This is such a great keepsake for his baby book! I think he will appreciate reading this someday – I know I am eager to purchase them for my other family members.

The Birthday Chronicle is created by This company is proud to offer “Personalized Gifts for Anyone, Anytime”! The Birthday Chronicle makes a great gift for a family member or friend. For an additional fee, you can order your newspaper to be sent with a black frame so it can be displayed for everyone! offers free items from time to time. If you would like to make sure you hear about these free items in time, please consider following them!

Receive their newsletter and follow them on Twitter ,Facebook, and Klout!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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Google + Hop - 3/8

Welcome to the Google + blog hop with The Spring Mount 6 Pack and Tidbits From A Mom. There are many changes with social media going including new additions, and we are thrilled to be hosting this hop. This hop is open to everyone, everywhere. If you do not have Google + no need to fret, it is easy to sign up. Do you have a gmail account? If not, sign up for your free account, then in your Google tool bar click on + YOU to create your Google + account. Piece of cake!

The hop takes place on Thursdays. To join the hop, you need to add the hosts to one of your circles, then we will add you back. Add your Google + personal or blog page (on your home screen you will see an option to start a page) to the linky below. Your hosts for this hop are The Spring Mount 6 Pack, Tidbits From A Mom,and Show Me The Prizes.

Add others who have linked up to the hop to your Google + circles. You do not need to write on their Google + wall, but can if you like. It is appreciated if you help spread the word of this hop by adding the hop button. This is a great way to connect since the changes with Google Friend Connect.

When you +1 a post, page, article etc you will have the chose to decide who you share it with. Anyone in the circle you share with will see what you +1ed.

Since this is new to many people, if you have any questions, just let us know. We are happy to help. Thanks for hopping with us.

Come join our circles and stay connected

2 entries so far!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Want to sell on Ebay? Join The Auction Moms!

It is well documented on here that I have been on an organizing mission in my household for the past year. I am proud to say that there isn’t one area that I haven’t tackled and cleaned out. The amazing result of this success is the sheer amount of belongings that had to be donated, thrown out, and sold. Due to my slight (ok, not so slight) OCD, I wanted these items out of my house as soon as possible. Therefore, I donated them or gave them away. I do constantly think to myself, “Imagine the amount of money I could have made if I sold this stuff!” I have only sold a few things on Ebay. I’ll be honest – I underestimated the cost of shipping and handling fees, so I didn’t really make enough money on these sales. I would love some guidance on how to make the use of Ebay efficiently.

The Auction Moms is a website that provides assistance to moms who sell on Ebay. It has a forum where women can find support and be taught the “ins and outs” of selling on Ebay. This forum is comprehensive and covers every factor of selling. You can even receive a free Ebay template, which makes your page look more professional. 

The Auction Moms also has a 10 Day Challenge which declares that The Auction Moms can have you selling on Ebay and making money in as little as 10 minutes per day for 10 days. It walks you through the process of creating an Ebay account, creating a Paypal account, and how to list your products. Each month, a different mom is featured, which provides a great advertising opportunity.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see on Ebay because you don't know how to use it properly.  Join The Auction Moms and start earning money!

Disclaimer: I received monetary compensation for this post.  However, the opinions expressed here are my own and are not influenced by any compensation I received.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book Review: The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson


I have worked in the field of mental health for the past fifteen years. There have been many highlights to working with children and families; however, within this past year, I have seriously begun to question what I am doing with my career. I have weighed the pros and cons and have yet to come to a decision about the next step in my life or simply answer the questions, “Do I need to make a change?” and “Should I work from home?” I began my small jewelry business years ago and have sold pieces through my website; however, it is a side business to my full-time job and raising two kids, taking care of my family, and maintaining our home.

I was eager to read The Barefoot Executive: The Ultimate Manual for Being Your Own Boss and Achieving Financial Freedom, written by Carrie Wilkerson, in the hopes that it would give me some tips/advice on my dilemma. As the title of the book states, The Barefoot Executive is a book that provides information to readers about becoming financially independent. It assists readers by asking important thought-provoking questions, which guide them through the process of figuring how to achieve financial independence using their knowledge and skill set. Personal stories as well as stories of other successful individuals are used to support the main ideas discussed. In addition, links to online videos are provided so readers can listen to Wilkerson talk about these main ideas.

I have been thinking about this next step in my life so much that it’s overwhelming me. The Barefoot Executive has given me a framework so I can structure my thoughts. This helps immensely. There are so many sections of the book that resonated with me, particularly the mistakes I have made. One of the key points that hit home for me was when Carrie Wilkerson discusses the importance of not just chasing the million dollar idea and discounting the ideas that generate a little money at a time. There are plenty of other opportunities that can generate income in smaller amounts. The money can add up and I can gain more experience along the way. Wilkerson also discusses the importance of not “chasing too many rabbits”. If you are attempting to focus on too many projects, you’re most likely not going to be able to make the progress you wish. You need to give more time to one project in order for it to truly succeed. This has been so true for me. I tend to take on more than I should in the hopes that I can make it all work. This is partially the reason why I closed down my main jewelry website and I am just selling some pieces on Etsy.

The Barefoot Executive is an essential resource for people such as myself who need to structure their thoughts, develop a clear understanding of their goals, and plan for their future.  I believe that Carrie Wilkerson is an amazing testament that hardwork pays off and you can be successful if you have the right framework.  Now, I need to get to work on following her advice!
More about the author:
Carrie Wilkerson has become a major resource for thousands of people in the world of business.  As an author and speaker, she has motivated people to achieve their dreams.  She uses her personal story to demonstrate to others that success is possible.  She is a wife and mother of four children.

Follow Carrie Wilkerson on Twitter and Facebook!

*Disclaimer: I did not receive monetary compensation for this post. I received a free copy of this book from Living Your Moment for the purpose of this review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
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Fabulous Daily Deals at!

I love daily deal sites.  I can’t believe some of the products that I have seen on daily deal sites and the ridiculously low prices that are listed. is a daily deal site that lists 8 new deals as well as a charity deal every day at 12pm.  There are products for men, women, and children, including clothing, electronics, jewelry, magazines, items for the home, and more. 

I have often wondered how they score amazing products and how they are able to sell them at such low prices.  I learned from their website that they obtain their products from cancelled orders, manufacturer closeouts, and overstock products.  If you visit their website, you can create a profile and receive an email every day to inform you of the daily deals that were just posted.  There are some deals that are called “Insanity Deals” because the prices are insanely low – 80% - 95% off the retail price!  I looked at some of the previous deals that were listed and I can’t believe what I have missed – an Apple iPad 2 for only $43.20!  I can’t believe I missed it….

An additional bonus to purchasing from is that there is a flat $2.00 shipping rate.  I think this is a huge plus.  I had assumed that although you purchased an item at a low price, you would still have to pay high shipping fees, but I was wrong.  Nice!

I was impressed by the fact that has a charity deal program.  A different charity is sponsored each month and a portion of the proceeds from the daily charity deal is given to this charity.  I think this is amazing.  I noticed on the top of the website that this week is MS week and that $1 from each charity deal sold will be donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.  This hit home for me.  My uncle and a good friend are battling MS.  I also had a cousin who died from MS.  It is a charity that is very near and dear to my heart.  Thank you so much to for contributing!

*Disclaimer: I received monetary compensation for this post.  However, the opiniosn expressed here are my own and are not influenced by compensation that I received. 

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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Art of Marriage Ops Blog App & $20 Applebee’s Gift Card Giveaway

The Art of Marriage Ops Blog App assists men and women who have returned home from service in strengthening their marriages. We are not a military family, but I am always interested in hearing tips on maintaining relationships. I love hearing new ideas on how my husband and I can spend time together. The Art of Marriage Ops Blog App provides you with five inspirational ideas on how you and your spouse/significant other can spend time together. It also provides you with the opportunity to watch a video, share the information with your friends, and make a donation.

If you would like to make a donation, you can text OPS to 80888 and donate $10.00 to help our men and women in the military strengthen their marriage by attending an event showcasing The Art of Marriage! Less than the price of two cups of coffee!

I watched the video through this App and I couldn’t help but cry. I cried for the happy reunions I saw, but also knowing how hard marriage can be and the fact that these families can sometimes fall apart. After everything they have been through and the sacrifices they have made, they deserve to enjoy their lives with their families. Please click on the widget below to see for yourself!

I have been given the opportunity to host a giveaway for a $20 Applebee’s gift card that maybe you and your spouse/significant other can use on a date night! Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Thank you so much to everyone who entered the following giveaways!  The winners listed below have all confirmed their wins. 
Savvy Rest Pillow - #300 Giveaway Hound
Bacon Wrapped Tee - #22 Tiffany Holley
Girl Land  - #20 Kristine Italiano, #80 Aliya Daya, #72 Lilian Cheng

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Book Review: I'm Not Tired Yet!


As parents, we hear every excuse in the world from our kids about why they can’t go to bed. My daughter and son have certainly given me every line in the book over the years. Bedtime stories are a great way to help your little one settle in for the night as well as give you some quality time together. “I’m Not Tired Yet!”, written and illustrated by Marianne Richmond, is a great book to read with children, both those that fall right to sleep as well as the “sleep fighters”. I’m Not Tired Yet! is the story of Ralphie Mix, his many excuses of why he cannot yet go to sleep, and how his mother responds to his excuses.

This story is adorable. Ralphie’s excuses are the typical excuses a child gives for not being able to go to sleep; however, I just loved his mother’s responses! The illustrations that accompanied are sweet and made my children laugh. Many parents, including myself at times, are frustrated by the bedtime ritual and the struggle that it can be. This book is such a sweet way to respond to children. You can get through the excuses and end the day on a happy note with your children. What child wouldn’t want a caterpillar tickle or a bear hug? I know my children love them and I’m sure yours do too!

About the Author: Marianne Richmond has touched the lives of millions for nearly two decades through her award-winning books, greeting cards, and other gift products that offer people the most heartfelt way to connect.

*Disclaimer: I did not receive monetary compensation for this post. I received a free copy of this book through the Family Review Network for the purpose of this review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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