Times have certainly changed since I was a young girl. There is so much that kids nowadays have to deal with, including technology, fitting in, being confident and assertive, etc. I can see how my daughter is so similar to me and I wish I could use osmosis to show and teach her everything that I have learned since I was her age. I want her to feel comfortable talking to me about anything and everything, but I know there are times when she doesn’t want to hear it from her mother.
There were no magazines for girls when I was younger. No advice. No tips. I would have given ANYTHING to have a magazine like Discovery Girls Magazine! Discovery Girls is for girls aged 8 through 13. It features many real-life girls talking about their real-life situations, which I think is more meaningful and will have more of an impact than a movie/TV show. The magazine discusses advice for problems, such as friendship, beauty and fashion tips, decorating ideas, surveys and quizzes, and more.
My daughter and I were able to review an issue of the Discovery Girls magazine, the Fab Girls Guide to Friendship Hardship (which is only one of the books of a whole set), as well as the 10th Anniversary Survival Guide Collector’s Edition. I can’t even tell you how excited my daughter was to receive this in the mail! She read and read and was thrilled with the articles. Early one Saturday morning, I found her reading the magazine in bed instead of watching television, which was wonderful!
I cannot say enough positive comments about Discovery Girls. I love the content, the advice, and the fact that it features real-life girls and not celebrities. My daughter loves the content as well, particularly the fashion and decorating tips and the quizzes and survey results. She is a “fashionista” if there ever was one and she is thrilled that she has fashion advice just for her! She has asked for a full-year subscription for Christmas. I am thrilled that she is being independent in her reading and I do not have to force her to go pick out a book. She wants to read this magazine!
We also received the Fab Girls Guide to Friendship Hardship, which is one of the books from a whole book set. This book contains friendship advice, which I would have loved when I was younger. It discusses “mean girls”, cliques, the issue of popularity, evaluating your friendships, and how to be the best friend you can be. This book contains quizzes as well! I think quizzes are a wonderful way to have kids evaluate their own behavior and think about how they would react in all types of situations.
Discovery Girls also has a fabulous website that contains a ton of great advice, as well as "Fun Stuff"! Check it out HERE!
Discovery Girls magazine has very generously offered to sponsor a giveaway! This prize pack includes a 1 year subscription to Discovery Girls, a copy of the 10 year anniversary Survival Guide Collector’s Edition, and 1 set of the Fab Girls book sets!!