I have been working within school settings for approximately fifteen years. I have observed how hard schools, including both the elementary school I work in as well as my daughter's school, must plan and participate in fundraising activities and events in order to raise money. Particularly in this economy and the fact that school budgets are constantly being cut, schools rely on fundraising to purchase materials, playground equipment, and to pay for field trips and special guest assemblies.
Each year, I watch the eyes of both my daughter and my students light up when they learn not only what they are going to be selling, but particularly about what they are going to be earning if they sell a set amount of items. After my daughter's first fundraiser assembly this Fall, she came home ecstatic that she could potentially earn a money pillow. I asked her to describe this money pillow. She relayed with such excitement that this pillow looked like money and "Wouldn't that be so cool Mommy?" She simply needed to sell magazine subscriptions to several people (which is not exactly easy to do!) I said, "Of course, honey" and helped her sell the subscriptions by hitting up family members. What did she come home with?? A cheap, little pillow that was as big as my palm! I think parents often roll their eyes when it is fundraising time at their child's school because the prizes can often be cheap.
As both a school employee and a parent, I found it so interesting to learn about Big Event Fundraising. Big Event Fundraising is a group that helps you plan your fundraiser. They have clever prize programs, including specifically the Magic Show Prize Program, where students are rewarded with a magic show after they have sold products from their brochure. Students gain free admission to the show after selling just five items. As they sell more items, they receive more perks!
I thought this was so clever and what a great way to reward students for selling! I was also impressed to learn that it is not just a magic show - there are a number of different themes that your school can choose from, including the following:
- "Character Counts" - character education
- "Fantastic Friends" - anti-bullying
- "I Love to Read" - encouraging reading
- "Internet Safety" - how to be safe on the internet
- "Just Say No!" - drug & alcohol awareness
- "Magic of Recycling" - recycling education
- "State Test Magic Pep Talk" - talks about test taking skills
- "Yes I Can" - goal-setting
Not only are the students receiving the joy of watching a magic show, but they are learning as well! As a guidance counselor, I have to say I LOVE these themes. I bend over backwards all year to teach my students about the majority of these topics and I think it is wonderful that students have the opportunity to earn this type of reward. I would love it if my daughter's school had this kind of fundraising program and I certainly believe both she and I would be much more motivated to sell products!
Big Event fundraising also has numerous other exciting prize programs that you should definitely check out for your school!
*Disclaimer: I was compensated for my time writing this post. The opinions expressed here are completely my own.